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Guelph Girls

Sunday, January 31, 2010
So ... another weekend draws to a close. It's been a good one ... a tad chilly what with the furnace acting up again ... but when there's enough people around ... the bodies create extra warmth or then again, maybe we're just so busy having fun that we don't notice the chill.

Maija slept over Friday night ... we watched the Squeakal for awhile ... but she wasn't as impressed or as engrossed as she was for the first. I guess even at 3 sequels aren't half as good as the first!! At some point around 11 PM, we invented a version of air hockey played on a white erase board ... and then came some pretty silly lullaby versions of "Hush little baby don't say a word ... Ginga's going to buy you a mockingbird ..." ... we had porcupines and kitty cats and balloons and all kinds of strange new words.

Got her to ballet on time Saturday morning ... Stefani spent the afternoon at Nico's house ... and I caught up on the laundry ... AND brought the library books back to their rightful home!

Today ... Nicole and Laura came down from Guelph. Nic cut Mel's hair ... and then gave Laura highlights and I cooked enough food for an army. Lucky Nic went home with tortilla soup, chicken, pork roast and half the liquor from our over-stocked, under-used supply!

Stefani got her Canada presentation done ... hope she gets a good mark, she certainly worked hard enough! Kyla and Stef just decided to walk to the corner store for some snacks ... gotta nibble on something as we watch the Grammy's.

Oh and yeah ... Stef got a callback tomorrow for that bread product / guitar hero commercial :)

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