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Writing for posterity ...

Monday, January 11, 2010

i wonder if those of us who do a lot of writing for posterity do it because we have egos or hearts or minds or some part or a combination of all that want more attention than they get or because we have a timeless collective consciousness sense of sharing with humanity and instinctively know that until cellular memory is tapped into, recorded history is the best way to pass along knowledge, experience, and life to others..

I guess there’s more than one way to write for posterity ... depending on how literally or figuratively you want to look at it. I may not put down into black words on white paper (or the technological equivalent) the story of my life. But I am writing my life for posterity, nevertheless. My life story lives within the DNA passed on to my children, in the memories forged: remembered or forgotten, in the lives I've changed along the way: good or bad, in my carbon footprint if nothing else ...

We do what we can with the hand we've been dealt ... and all of us have a yearning to write it all down for posterity. Be it recorded on paper, on blogs or in journals ... or through family life. Those who literally write ... yearn for partners or children or family. Those who have family ... yearn for time to write.

The life written by the writer ... is a personal story written in the first person ... deep and in depth ... a documentary examining details and minutia. The life written by the other ... is a compilation of short stories, tidbits from here and there ...

I'm not saying anything new ... and I realize that neither option is better than the other. But I do know that I've spent a lot of time, pining for the time and energy to write at will. But who was I fooling? That was simply a case of the "grass being greener" ... I wouldn't trade this hand of mine. I've been playing it for far too long ...

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