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Is there order in chaos?

Saturday, January 16, 2010
For someone who has considered herself, somewhat more creative than the average human, I've got to admit that I'm much more linear than I'd like to admit. I confess that I've smugly admired the "mess" of my home office or less than pristine home at times because these disheveled states of disorder proved to me somehow that I was creative and not one of "those" (sneer) logical, linear thinkers. Of course, to feel that smug, I naturally chose to forget that I've excelled at event and project management ... work that depends on attention to detail, linear critical paths ...

oh brother ... I'm just another sheep in wolf's clothing ... a linear, logical person masquerading as a creative, free spirit. (I guess that makes me a slob as well)

So where did these thoughts spring from? I noticed that I was trying to sort responses into some kind of order: where should I post my reply? what should I respond to first?

Hey ... maybe that's been my biggest problem all along ... trying to order chaos ... unable to let go and go with the flow

Dave left for his yearly guys' golf trip yesterday (I think there's close to 30 of them this year) ... I love this week ... it's as much a "vacation" for me as it is for him. It's a slumming, play it by ear week for Stef and I. On the agenda ... the ROM and the AGO ... the when is unsure. We've got to be downtown on Monday for an audition, the ROM would be a good idea after that with maybe supper at some new place before that. We'll see ...

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