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Monday, March 8, 2010
usually I don't want the day to end ... because that means that one more day has passed. Today, I just wish that all the responsibilities would be done with so that I could crawl under the covers, read a chapter or two and then fall into a hopefully restorative sleep.

Stef's over at Victoria's house until 8 pm ... and if I get my wish, I'll be in bed, all snuggled up by 8:15 pm. Ahhhh that'll be soooooo nice.

You know, it's hard for mothers to find time to take care of themselves. It's like Murphy's Law waits for any sign of weakness or fatigue ... and "blammo" everyone else wants or needs something. Melanie needed to talk today, Nicole just barely passed a mid-term, Dave's being a douche-bag (hmmm ... that word makes me feel better) and J had his girlfriend over ... oh yes, and I mustn't forget the hamster that is still on the loose, driving Peanut Butter absolutely crazy!

Tomorrow will be a better day ... it has to!

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