So … I double-dare me to accept the challenge … to complete 101 tasks in a period of 1001 days.
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the home of the 101 things to do in 1001 days project.My Mission: Complete 101 preset tasks in a period of 1001 days. Tasks must be specific (non-ambiguous) with a measurable or clearly defined result … as well as be realistic and a hefty percentage of which can’t be realized in the space of a day or with too much ease.
Start: October 1, 2008
Completion Date: June 29, 2011
Personal / self-improvement
1. Take at least one photograph every day of the 1001 days. (o/1001)
2. Write at least one piece and submit to a writing contest per year. (0/4)
3. Write a minimum of 100 pages of a novel.
4.Compile the lyrics of 100 favorite songs. Make them into a spiral-bound book.
5. Experiment with cooking by trying two new dishes a month. (0/66)
6.Learn 50 new words and use them. (3/50)
7.Print my favorite 100 digital pictures printed and assemble them in an album or albums.
8. Plan every meal for two full weeks and follow-through.
9. Make a list of 101 things that bring me pleasure. Display it. Remember.
(completed October 11, 2008)
10. Avoid being sarcastic or biting for a full twenty-four hours per month. (if that is possible, do it again). (0/33)
11. Write my personal manifesto of belief.
12. Really try to get a magazine article published.
13. Read 10 books of non-fiction (biographies are allowed).
14. Make my own Christmas cards.
15. Give a sincere compliment to one person a day for 5 consecutive days (must be a different person each time).
16. Participate in three consecutive Sunday Scribblings per year.(0/12)
17. Document a “day in the life” with photos.
18. Go see an author read from his or her work.
19. Buy a coloring book and color every picture.
20. Organize quotes I love into a quote book. Add at least one a week. (0/143)
21. Watch all the available seasons of Boston Legal.
22. Read 150 books. (1/150)
23. Write a children’s book.
24. Put $5 in bottle for each completed task. Donate $10 to charity for every incomplete task.
25. Volunteer 101 hours.
26. Get new glasses.
27. Relearn the piano as I teach Stefani.
28. Mail a secret into PostSecret.
29. Get a passport.
30. Sing karaoke at least once.
31. Buy myself a silver charm bracelet and buy myself six charms to celebrate me.
32. Sell an image to iStock.
33. Fly first class.
Fitness / Health34. Cleanse or follow a detox regine for 7-10 days.
35. Lose 10 pounds and keep it off for 6 months.
36. Walk every day for at least 30 minutes for one month. (0/31)
37. Purchase a bicycle.
38. Practice yoga every day for a month. (0/31)
39. Do Pilates every day for a month. (0/31)
40. Give up sugar for a week. (0/7)
41. Complete a marathon.
42. Eat breakfast every day for 30 days. (0/30)
43. Get Bronze Medaillon (lifeguard).
44. Visit the dentist regularly. (0/6)
45. Do an advanced set of Pilates 100’s properly.
Cultural / New46. Buy tickets for the theater (play) and attend.
47. Visit and tour a winery and attend a wine tasting.
48. Have a picnic outside in a park or near a lake, river, stream.
49. Visit the AGO and really look at every exhibit.
50. Visit the ROM and really look at every exhibit.
51. Visit 5 new places. (0/5)
Fun52. Fly a kite.
53. Ride a horse.
54. Stay overnight at a bed and breakfast.
55. Dress up for Halloween.
56. Play golf or hit balls at the range at least once a week weather permitting.
57. Build a snowman by myself.
58. Canoe on a river.
59. Sleep outside; in a tent or under the stars.
60. Take a girls get-a-way with all my beautiful daughters.
61. Attend a comedy show or comedy hour.
62. Take a ride in a hot-air balloon.
63. Go to a PGA event.
64. Go Christmas carolling.
65. Attend a murder mystery party/dinner.
66. Buy sexy underwear for me.
67. Go to 4 live concerts. (0/4)
68. Make love somewhere unusual.
69. Climb a mountain.
70. Dance in the moonlight.
Giving spirit71. Make a recipe book of tried-and-true and family favorites. Make copies and give to the kids.
72. Donate or toss 101 items. (0/101)
73. Donate 50,000 grains of rice through (3,240/50,000)
74. Donate to 4 charities. (0/4)
75. Adopt a family for Christmas.
Financial / Savings
76. Put $50 a week into savings or a cookie jar. (0/$7,050)
77. Have 250 “no spending” days. (0/250)
Work / Business
78. Get personal business cards made up.
79. Write and complete an entire To-Do List for 10 To-Do-Days. (0/10)
80. Work two simultaneous consultant projects.
81. Market myself as a non-profit, development/sponsorship consultant.
82. Get CPR certified.
83. For one work day a month, do nothing but work all work-day. (0/33)
House / Home / Family84. Buy a piece of original art for the wall.
85. Bake puulla four times. (0/4)
86. Set up indoor or outdoor herb garden for fresh herbs all year long.
87. Surprise my husband once a week. (0/143)
88. Go sledding with Stefani.
89. Go to a pumpkin farm.
90. Make fondue.
91. Keep the car clean inside and out for a whole month. (0/30)
92. Go on a waterside family vacation.
93. Go on a camping trip.
94. Go on a golfing vacation with Dave somewhere warm.
95. Dance with Dave twice a year. (0/8)
96. Prepare nice Sunday dinner every week. (1/143)
97. Have a backyard perennial garden.
98. Clean the basement and laundry room.
99. Get a family portrait taken.
100. Paint and fix up bedroom.
101. Write a “to be read” letter for Dave and kids. **
** Start another 101 things …